Post by papat on Apr 10, 2009 6:10:32 GMT 4
Apr 10, 2009 5:14:19 GMT 4 @lekinserray said:
Hello: Satchmo: That took a little time to listen to and understand but it was well worth the time. Thank you!
I know Dr. Dan has been working on such things and similar. Dr Dan talking to an Angel I throught was pretty Interesting, Something to do with the January 2009 - Caltech presentation on the "A peculiar silicate-associated phenomenon. " Beckman Institute lecture hall (March 2008).
I also know some people here have been looking for someone to speak for the Planet earth in the new Negotiations coming up. A couple of years back I suggested Papa T and Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel, I Still think they would be good! But, I am sure the people will come up with someone, It's just a matter of time, Like, about 3 year's!
But if anyone got a problem with Papa T's Request to speak for, We the people? Speak up!
Since the powers to be are listening from above as most people know, there is know since in us talking or to think we are talking behind there Backs, it's Kind of hard to get someone to believe we are offering them amnesty with rock's in our hands. I am sure there/that is a Miss understanding!
Since they can hear us, why don't we just talk to them? My first Questions for now and here? A, B, AND then C.
The First Questions?
A. The Money we give out to the bail out, should be tide to our new Interest rate, we bail them out and they charge us 30% on our credit cards interest, and if you miss a payment all of it become due, Gas bill, light, and Credit card payments will/do go up, and you become an indentured servant for Life! What do we do? We follow the Money trail! but we will be sure to grab the snake or the snakes behind the head first! I have heard about that story before from our pass history from the 1800's , take my word for it, Not good! Not good at all!
B. About the people on Pensions and so fourth, let them keep it and from that point on with the zero point technology, No more Sickness. Not If, but when we have the cure for all the ailment's mention above working, The money saved would be well worth it! From the education available using Zero point, a Bachelor's degree them a Masters and then so on...., But think about it, how much money could be made from the taxes with all the people then working?
C. Stimulus? Give us the stimulus Job's first, As producers of and from the zero point, we would then have the Zero Point products! With a low interest rate the banks would get fat on the interest.
Satchmo, I know how it sounds but think about it first, when we understand the water video. With all the people coming here what would you then like to say to there water? That would of course be multiplied by the Number of people coming here reading our words! So New people welcome to the board, C. J. has said there are a lot of smart people out there that will fine it really Interesting that we can change the world for the better, one person at a time, I guess we really are as said ,that powerful! Every one take that little water quiz below I am asking Satchmo about, then talk to us!
Another personal free will choice?, But then again, it's your water? It does really add's new meaning to doing the random acts of kindness, where we can see our/the benefit's in persons working. "That's Cool". Considering the Some, are our own P.O. W's,
Enough time? That really does depend on us! We really can have what we say, "World Piece".
After my Understanding of the water theory, Water and Mind - How Consciousness effects Water. .
Does it really work on water? Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals. .
Do the Intention Experiment with Rice your self! "This one here, is a Family learning Thing." You won't regret! .
Did you Try it? Did it and does it work? What happen? Question? What part of us, is made up of water? That much you say?
So let's all be real careful about what we ask for together because our water will get it! I am sure The past greats would be so proud of us for being the generation who were able to recognize the truth and transform our lives through its laws and teachings. Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of our being to new heights.
The Question for our faith in Papa T, Since he Volunteered, any information we want answers and question to pass on to him? His qualifications to speak for, We the people?
Remember He will have a CNN I reporter Microphone . "Our Faith" To get started? All we need is a grain of Mustard seed, We have two seeds for GOOGLE and MySpace!
When you put the above together from the Wingmakers description and the B..S. T. The clues were suppose to be obvious, The Mountain was made in to a Mold Hill, Not for us to turn a mold hill into a mountain. By the way what was the B. S. T For? It's purpose and just who are the Wingmakers?
About the Wing Maker, Excerpt : Dr. Neruda: "We know of them mostly through a few ancient manuscripts that were reputedly channeled by these beings. There're a few myths in Mayan and Sumerian text that refer to these being as well. But the most definitive text comes from the Corteum who defined them, in our terms, as the Central Race." Sarah: "How can they be so ancient if they're so technologically advanced?"
Dr. Neruda: The Central Race resides in the most primeval galaxies nearest the centermost part of the universe. According to Corteum cosmology, the structure of the universe is segmented into seven superuniverses that each revolve around a central universe. The central universe is the material home of First Source or the Creator. According to the Corteum, in order to govern the material universe, First Source must inhabit materiality and function in the material universe. The central universe is the material home of First Source and is eternal. It's surrounded by dark gravity bodies that make it essentially invisible even to those galaxies that lie closest to its periphery.
"The Corteum teach that the central universe is stationary and eternal, while the seven superuniverses are creations of time and revolve around the central universe in a counterclockwise rotation. Surrounding these seven superuniverses is "outer" or peripheral space, which is non-physical elementals consisting of non-baryonic matter or antimatter, which rotates around the seven superuniverses in a clockwise rotation. This vast outer space is expansion room for the superuniverses to expand into. The known universe that your astronomers see is mostly a small fragment of our superuniverse and the expansion space at its outermost periphery. Hubble-based astronomy extrapolates, based on a fractional field of view, that there are 50 billion galaxies in our superuniverse, each containing over 100 billion stars. However, most astronomers remain convinced that our universe is singular. It is not -- according to the Corteum."
"On the fringe of the central universe resides the Central Race, which contain the original human DNA template of creation. However, they are such an ancient race that they appear to us as Gods, when indeed they represent our future selves. Time and space are the only variables of distinction. The Central Race is known to some as the creator gods who developed the primal template of the human species and then, working in conjunction with the Life Carriers, seeded the galaxies as the universes expanded. Each of the seven superuniverses has a distinctive purpose and relationship with the central universe via the Central Race based on how the Central Race experimented with the DNA to achieve distinct, but compatible physical embodiments to be soul carriers.
Sarah: "I don't even know what to ask next."
Dr. Neruda: "The Central Race is divided into seven tribes, and they are master geneticists and the progenitors of the humanoid race. In effect, they are our future selves. Quite literally they represent what we will evolve into in time and towards in terms of space."
Sarah: "So, you're saying that the WingMakers are our future selves and that they're building these time capsules in order to communicate with us?"
Go there in our Car? "Prove that we didn't"
The above is worth putting in there twice? "Our future selves and that they're building these time capsules in order to communicate with us?"
Our Opportunity knocking to make the world a better Place with our words?
Somebody Please! "Get that Door".
The base Line Phone Preview will get better, how they sound now! 1-800-buy MY-CD, Team Captain, X-Files, Listing Omaha. I am still understanding Joan Steward Free publicity articles and ebooks to make the job easier but with her free information, I am sure I could now do a better Job from her help! .
From my future long visit with Publicity expert Joan Stewart The Publicity Hound Tips, for tricks and tools for free publicity.
Our NEW BASE Line promo Changes? will be coming from,
I am sure you will see the differences, But, Still the same Phone Number, 1- 800-Buy MYCD. Team Captain, X-Files, Listing Omaha.
Don't buy anything, just listen for the Team Captain CD X- file promo Changes!
What can I say, but we are going to Win, We are going to triumph!
Again, I am sure the past greats would be so proud of us for being the generation who were able to recognize the truth and transform our lives through its laws and teachings.
Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of our being to new heights.
And Again, Anyone got a problem with Papa T Request to Break Bread and speak for, We The People?
After the Video's I think I will wait and watch with the above!
On the Hundred Monkey theory, Question? If they can figure that out, why are we having such a problem?
What's up with that?
But then again, All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Often Quoted By Charlene J. W.E.B DuBois. As Rose would say, Hey Ray! do you have any Idea about how all that sounds? -
Again, Don't buy anything, just listen for the promo CD Changes! Comment's on the new Promo listing, Anyone?
More? Of Course there Is more!
Dr Dan and Dr Marcie, "I believe". ;D
T. C.
I am, The Team Captain, Supreme Ambassador to the Federation of Planets and The Negotiator for the Planet Earth.
"I am One." "I am the Other."
Two Sheep Ministries.
In The Service of our King. "Jesus Christ." Our Lord.
Authors Henry & Rose Middlebrook ©1996.
Thaks TC but I must withdraw my name from the hat. Checked calendar date and noticed a conflict with a scheduled fishing expedition. A friendly fly over would be nice
Peace Out
Papa T