Post by ninathedog on Mar 18, 2010 16:17:12 GMT 4
'Miracle' Elephant Calf Takes First StepsUpdated: 6 days 22 hours ago Lauren Frayer Contributor AOL News(March 11) -- A baby elephant that zookeepers are calling a "miracle" after presuming him to be stillborn is now shuffling around his pen in an Australian zoo. Taronga Zoo / Getty Images -- This 255-pound elephant was pronounced dead before his birth at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Zookeepers were shocked when he raised his head after birth.The 255-pound male calf was born Wednesday morning after veterinarians at Sydney's Taronga Zoo declared him dead in the womb after they recorded no vital signs during his mother's six days of labor. It was the longest labor ever recorded for a land mammal. But the newborn apparently survived in a coma, even despite an ultrasound test that concluded he had died. "That unconscious state would explain the complete absence of any vital signs during all the checks and examinations conducted during the labor," senior veterinarian Larry Vogelnest told a huge crowd of reporters gathered at a news conference in Sydney. Elephant keeper Katharina Theodore described her surprise when the calf was born alive. "Mind-blowingly enough, the calf raised its head," she told the crowd. "We were going, 'it's a live calf, it's a live calf!' and all of our careful planning just kicked into place ... We radioed the vets and got them down to help us and assist us immediately." About 20 staff monitored the newborn through his first night. Zookeepers have temporarily named him "Mr. Shuffles" because of the way he sluggishly took his first steps today. "He's got an old-man shuffle going on at the moment," Theodore said. Vogelnest told the Australian public broadcaster ABC that the baby also passed a "crucial milestone" today by suckling from his mother for the first time. But Vogelnest said he's still concerned about the newborn's circulation and the risk of infection. "He appears to have a lot more coordination, has great control of his trunk and is shuffling around much more confidently. The calf is also very alert, a good sign considering his eventful start to life," Vogelnest said. "He is still not completely out of the woods but these are all very good signs and things we wanted to see happen within the first 24 hours after his incredible birth." Supervisors had to urge excited zoo staffers to go home and get some rest after staying with the baby elephant through the night, he added. The zoo's CEO, Cameron Kerr, said the elephant's live birth has been an amazing experience for zoo workers. "I have staff around here with very dark rings around their eyes," he told ABC. "But fortunately, because of the turnaround in events, they've got lovely smiles on their faces." The calf and its mother, named Porntip which means "eternally blessed" in the Thai language, will be kept together in a warm barn today away from the public. Porntip was pregnant for almost two years after being artificially inseminated. This is her first time giving birth. The zoo is asking the public to submit suggestions for an official name for "Mr. Shuffles," which they say should reflect his Thai heritage. Taronga's elephants are part of a conservation breeding program in Australia for Asian elephants, whose numbers in the wild may have slumped to as low as 34,000 across their home countries in Asia.www.aolnews.com/world/article/australias-miracle-elephant-calf-mr-shuffles-thought-to-be-stillborn-is-thriving/19394450
Post by karus on Mar 19, 2010 15:30:31 GMT 4
Its a No wonder Governments can't get anything done. Seeing that they are behond every Nasty event on this planet (Acording to Project Camelot and the links there) I got this from an interview link on the PC new Home page SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Climate Change, Financial Terrorism Sott Editors Sott.net Thu, 11 Mar 2010 19:41 EST © rolyateelEarthquakes dominate once again this month as a string of strong quakes prompts us to ask, "What in Earth is going on?" That the US government would engage in such nefarious activity to induce a strategically-placed earthquake in Haiti is a frightening prospect. Could any or all of the recent cluster have been deliberately induced? Or have we just witnessed Nature's awesome retort to the Evil Empire's puny arsenal? We'll examine the political state of play in Chile on the occasion of its most powerful earthquake in 50 years and recall the notorious roots of the Pathocrats' economic shock therapy that's so prevalent today. Record snowfall blanketed all but Hawaii in the US and freezing temperatures froze ships mid-stream in Europe, yet Canada emerged from the cruelest of winters warm and dry. We would ask the "climatologists" for their take on this but they're too busy modelling alternate realities, answering corruption charges and just generally keeping well below the radar. We'll present an alternative Cosmic Climate Change hypothesis that honours the scientific data and doesn't require sleight of hand to "hide the decline." Financial terrorism from Wall Street's finest banksters struck gold again this month with a false-flag attack on the euro. Economic warfare, like any other form of warfare, sears a trail of tears and destruction through innocent peoples' lives, only it comes in the covert manner of currency manipulations and speculative attacks on target economies. And just as with conventional warfare, its psychopathic conspirators often hatch their murderous plans over dinner and fine wine. From a meeting in Manhattan we'll chart the Evil Empire's desperate pitch to keep its paper-worthless dollar atop the sinking pile. When a tiny country like Israel can manipulate empires from afar, what is there to stop it walking into its neighbour's house and murdering him? Well, nothing, as the Mossad brazenly demonstrated in January. But if Dubai can have Interpol serve arrest warrants where no other country dares to tread, we wonder if the international exposure Mossad Murder Inc received this month has severely compromised its cover of darkness? More light, say we! Join us as we Connect the Dots in February... I wish I could Make statments like these with no concreat proof to back it up. Peace Kar Hiya Kar ... We here at the Golden Thread admin .. have come to a very unpleasant conclusion about PC .. Ya see it's to do with WHO funds them .. and their insider associations .. sighhh You might like to google the AVIARY ..there are a lot of clues there and also a very dubious character called Mr G. Novel Now you could find some ummm very ILLUMINATING things there We think that PC does enough of its own advertising without us helping them ;D Peace Out Nodstar* Thanks Nod. will goggle the AVIARY and sorry if the post cam across as Advertising for them it was not my intent. just passing along something I read that keeps the ball of Hate and violance rolling again my appologies Peace Kar
Post by karus on Mar 19, 2010 15:59:23 GMT 4
Hey Nod.
I googled the AVIARY and all i got was things on Birds. Can I get a clue what I am looking for? sorry to sound stupid just a new term I am not firmilar with
thank you Peace Kar
Post by emeraldsun on Mar 20, 2010 6:21:27 GMT 4
A new Wings post....enjoy The Cosmic Tsunami Begins March 19, 2010 This is an exciting time indeed. How blessed are we to be participating in a rare and pivotal time with a massive re-structuring of our earth, ourselves, and the cosmos? All in preparation for a very new way of living and being in a very new reality and dimension. We may have been able to tap into many of these magical and higher vibrating states of living and being in times past, as vibrating higher always gives any given individual access to a higher dimensional experience, but what is different now, is that the entire planet is beginning the process of this very new existence…and this also means that the energy we are completely surrounded by will permanently sustain the higher energies with absolutely no effort….yes, it is an exciting time indeed. We have finally arrived and are completing the process. This process, as most processes with ascension, is occurring piece by piece and step by step. With each earth change or movement of the earth at very deep levels, we then begin to experience more of the higher vibrating energies. So then, as the earth re-structures herself, she is then re-aligning in order to be in alignment with and to receive these new and higher frequencies. At the same time, everything in the cosmos is re-aligning as well. As the beautiful and specific energies of the cosmos, its planets, and the celestial bodies adjust, energy and movement then ripple outward, and a wave of new vibration is created and secured. As each Earth movement or change occurs as well, a summoning then takes place, and the new energies arrive. But at the same time, the newly arriving energies are creating the earth movements. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? As with all of creation, everything happens all at once and meets in the middle, culminating with a creation or movement and change. “Everything” happens all at once at times when everything is ready and willing, and thus, a massive plan or agreement at higher levels and a very loving interaction is at the helm. Again, this is how creation always happens, only this time, much of it is happening with massive bodies of energy, or rather, the cosmos…and every living thing at every level of existence will then have no choice but to participate. This is what we have been waiting for…what a time for celebration! So then, the first ripples of the cosmic tsunami are beginning to be felt. This is a very interesting and rare time, as this process is quite amazing, no doubt. Much of the interesting part comes from the fact that we started a new earth, or Earth Two (a dimensional overlay), and had to begin with literally no foundation. In this way, we are creating piece by piece, making this a slow process. This means that the equinox of March 20th, will certainly have its effect, but the effect is determinant upon how much of the new earth we have created so far. Meaning exactly what? If we were to look out at an expanse of energy and creation timeline for the earth, we would easily see that from March onward, everything looks very expansive, linear, and simply reaches out for what looks like infinity with no ups or downs, or rather highs or lows with creation. In other words, there are no new platforms of new creation present. But come June, everything changes, and we will then experience a massive new “anchoring in” once again, along with huge manifestations of new creation that take hold. So then, the beginning ripples of the cosmic tsunami are at hand, along with the energies of the March 20th equinox. These situations are creating a lot of energy right now. But they are manifesting in different ways. And how does this movement affect us at our personal and experiential levels? Because we have not created much quite yet, the equinox energies are creating situations where there is a lot of energy moving, but it can only interact with what is present at the time. This means that we are needing to tend to things that are already here, or that need our attention before we really anchor in and move forward in June. For example, we may find that we are suddenly having to fix things (but know as well, that when we move into new spaces, we are no longer in alignment with much of anything, and this frequently creates situations where everything breaks or needs our attention for repair or replacement). In this way, we may find that we are securing our foundation, or rather adjusting these frequencies through repair or replacement, so that we will be firmly ready and in alignment as more and more earth changes occur. We may feel as though we are going in circles, with lots of energy flowing, but not much being created. We are simply experiencing an arrival of equinox energies that have nothing much to interact with except what is already here. We cannot move forward just yet, as the earth and cosmos are still adjusting and remolding themselves so that they can better receive and accommodate the higher vibrating energies that are arriving in slow and steady increments. So how might we be feeling and experiencing all this strange rambling you just read? How are all these changes or movements affecting many of us? As the earth and cosmos re-align and adjust, so do we, as we are all one. Body aches and the old familiar leg and foot pain are still present. These uncomfortable experiences of our lower extremities will continue to occur at intervals for quite some time… simply because the new reality has a lot to do with grounding into the new earth and claiming it as our true and rightful heritage. Just wait until the solstice in June! Sweating and hot flashes are still occurring for many. We are burning off any lower vibrating energies within us as we adjust. If ever I have a lower vibrating thought where I beat myself up or do not honor myself, or if I have a fear or negative thought that cannot exist in this reality, immediately, I will become excruciatingly hot and begin to sweat. At least these hot flashes and sweats serve as great barometers and training and alignment tools! When we are in between worlds, or rather when we do not have much to anchor into yet, we become vulnerable. This manifests as having issues with boundaries (as not much knows where it belongs just yet), having unpleasant energies in our spaces, and feeling like we are naked and hanging out there for the taking. This particular scenario can make some of us want to stay home, or even encourage us not to be “out there” in all ways. If you are one who is generally more sensitive to the unseen world, you may have unwanted visitors in your space who are not of your liking. According to one of my readers, many are having experiences of cloaked figures peering at them in the night! I had this experience once myself, and in times past, have noticed some interesting visitors in my home on other occasions as they peer and become curious about my guests. These experiences are temporary. I simply tell these unwanted visitors to "get lost" and then I ignore them and pay them no attention. With so much energy moving of late, we may feel as though we are hyperventilating and cannot sit still. We may have what feels like nervous energy and feel that we need to be doing something all the time, with an inability to settle down. Add to this an unusual or strange craving for junk food and sweets, and we have a recipe for nervous tension needing an outlet. As we move into more of a permanent residency in a higher realms reality, we begin to have the fun and beautiful things happen as well. Creating the New Reality explains a lot of these experiences that seem to occur all on their own. We are creating very rapidly now, and simply having a casual thought can bring something into our spaces in record time. In addition, as we begin residing in this new and higher vibrating dimension, we very easily come to see that absolutely everything is vitally connected and supports a whole. In this way, we very naturally find ourselves in states of gratitude and great love. Another common occurrence right now is in regard to our personal energy. We can easily become aware of how we may have been running our energies in “out of balance” or inappropriate ways, even though we usually do what we do because we feel it is the “right” thing. The higher we vibrate then, the more we are able to “see” from above, and know that we did our best in our lower dimensional experience, but that this is not the way it is in the higher realms. It is time to change our behavior, as we come to see what it is that needs to change. At other times, we may feel our energy suddenly drop for no apparent reason and feel a distinct depression, futility, and funk, but in a matter of hours or perhaps with the onset of a very new day, we are once again flying high, connected to the new energies, and experiencing the fun and adventure of the process of arriving in a new reality. The more we progress in relation to anchoring into and creating the new reality, the more we will continue to experience the fun of it all, while these drops occur less and less until they finally cease to exist. All in all, we will continue to see-saw our way into the higher vibrations, along with all of the cosmos, and as always, come to know that everything is and always has been in divine and perfect order. With much love and gratitude, Karen link here: www.emergingearthangels.com/2010/wings3.19.2010.html
Post by ninathedog on Mar 20, 2010 23:26:45 GMT 4
A new Wings post....enjoy The Cosmic Tsunami Begins March 19, 2010 This is an exciting time indeed. How blessed are we to be participating in a rare and pivotal time with a massive re-structuring of our earth, ourselves, and the cosmos? All in preparation for a very new way of living and being in a very new reality and dimension. We may have been able to tap into many of these magical and higher vibrating states of living and being in times past, as vibrating higher always gives any given individual access to a higher dimensional experience, but what is different now, is that the entire planet is beginning the process of this very new existence…and this also means that the energy we are completely surrounded by will permanently sustain the higher energies with absolutely no effort….yes, it is an exciting time indeed. We have finally arrived and are completing the process. This process, as most processes with ascension, is occurring piece by piece and step by step. With each earth change or movement of the earth at very deep levels, we then begin to experience more of the higher vibrating energies. So then, as the earth re-structures herself, she is then re-aligning in order to be in alignment with and to receive these new and higher frequencies. At the same time, everything in the cosmos is re-aligning as well. As the beautiful and specific energies of the cosmos, its planets, and the celestial bodies adjust, energy and movement then ripple outward, and a wave of new vibration is created and secured. As each Earth movement or change occurs as well, a summoning then takes place, and the new energies arrive. But at the same time, the newly arriving energies are creating the earth movements. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? As with all of creation, everything happens all at once and meets in the middle, culminating with a creation or movement and change. “Everything” happens all at once at times when everything is ready and willing, and thus, a massive plan or agreement at higher levels and a very loving interaction is at the helm. Again, this is how creation always happens, only this time, much of it is happening with massive bodies of energy, or rather, the cosmos…and every living thing at every level of existence will then have no choice but to participate. This is what we have been waiting for…what a time for celebration! So then, the first ripples of the cosmic tsunami are beginning to be felt. This is a very interesting and rare time, as this process is quite amazing, no doubt. Much of the interesting part comes from the fact that we started a new earth, or Earth Two (a dimensional overlay), and had to begin with literally no foundation. In this way, we are creating piece by piece, making this a slow process. This means that the equinox of March 20th, will certainly have its effect, but the effect is determinant upon how much of the new earth we have created so far. Meaning exactly what? If we were to look out at an expanse of energy and creation timeline for the earth, we would easily see that from March onward, everything looks very expansive, linear, and simply reaches out for what looks like infinity with no ups or downs, or rather highs or lows with creation. In other words, there are no new platforms of new creation present. But come June, everything changes, and we will then experience a massive new “anchoring in” once again, along with huge manifestations of new creation that take hold. So then, the beginning ripples of the cosmic tsunami are at hand, along with the energies of the March 20th equinox. These situations are creating a lot of energy right now. But they are manifesting in different ways. And how does this movement affect us at our personal and experiential levels? Because we have not created much quite yet, the equinox energies are creating situations where there is a lot of energy moving, but it can only interact with what is present at the time. This means that we are needing to tend to things that are already here, or that need our attention before we really anchor in and move forward in June. For example, we may find that we are suddenly having to fix things (but know as well, that when we move into new spaces, we are no longer in alignment with much of anything, and this frequently creates situations where everything breaks or needs our attention for repair or replacement). In this way, we may find that we are securing our foundation, or rather adjusting these frequencies through repair or replacement, so that we will be firmly ready and in alignment as more and more earth changes occur. We may feel as though we are going in circles, with lots of energy flowing, but not much being created. We are simply experiencing an arrival of equinox energies that have nothing much to interact with except what is already here. We cannot move forward just yet, as the earth and cosmos are still adjusting and remolding themselves so that they can better receive and accommodate the higher vibrating energies that are arriving in slow and steady increments. So how might we be feeling and experiencing all this strange rambling you just read? How are all these changes or movements affecting many of us? As the earth and cosmos re-align and adjust, so do we, as we are all one. Body aches and the old familiar leg and foot pain are still present. These uncomfortable experiences of our lower extremities will continue to occur at intervals for quite some time… simply because the new reality has a lot to do with grounding into the new earth and claiming it as our true and rightful heritage. Just wait until the solstice in June! Sweating and hot flashes are still occurring for many. We are burning off any lower vibrating energies within us as we adjust. If ever I have a lower vibrating thought where I beat myself up or do not honor myself, or if I have a fear or negative thought that cannot exist in this reality, immediately, I will become excruciatingly hot and begin to sweat. At least these hot flashes and sweats serve as great barometers and training and alignment tools! When we are in between worlds, or rather when we do not have much to anchor into yet, we become vulnerable. This manifests as having issues with boundaries (as not much knows where it belongs just yet), having unpleasant energies in our spaces, and feeling like we are naked and hanging out there for the taking. This particular scenario can make some of us want to stay home, or even encourage us not to be “out there” in all ways. If you are one who is generally more sensitive to the unseen world, you may have unwanted visitors in your space who are not of your liking. According to one of my readers, many are having experiences of cloaked figures peering at them in the night! I had this experience once myself, and in times past, have noticed some interesting visitors in my home on other occasions as they peer and become curious about my guests. These experiences are temporary. I simply tell these unwanted visitors to "get lost" and then I ignore them and pay them no attention. With so much energy moving of late, we may feel as though we are hyperventilating and cannot sit still. We may have what feels like nervous energy and feel that we need to be doing something all the time, with an inability to settle down. Add to this an unusual or strange craving for junk food and sweets, and we have a recipe for nervous tension needing an outlet. As we move into more of a permanent residency in a higher realms reality, we begin to have the fun and beautiful things happen as well. Creating the New Reality explains a lot of these experiences that seem to occur all on their own. We are creating very rapidly now, and simply having a casual thought can bring something into our spaces in record time. In addition, as we begin residing in this new and higher vibrating dimension, we very easily come to see that absolutely everything is vitally connected and supports a whole. In this way, we very naturally find ourselves in states of gratitude and great love. Another common occurrence right now is in regard to our personal energy. We can easily become aware of how we may have been running our energies in “out of balance” or inappropriate ways, even though we usually do what we do because we feel it is the “right” thing. The higher we vibrate then, the more we are able to “see” from above, and know that we did our best in our lower dimensional experience, but that this is not the way it is in the higher realms. It is time to change our behavior, as we come to see what it is that needs to change. At other times, we may feel our energy suddenly drop for no apparent reason and feel a distinct depression, futility, and funk, but in a matter of hours or perhaps with the onset of a very new day, we are once again flying high, connected to the new energies, and experiencing the fun and adventure of the process of arriving in a new reality. The more we progress in relation to anchoring into and creating the new reality, the more we will continue to experience the fun of it all, while these drops occur less and less until they finally cease to exist. All in all, we will continue to see-saw our way into the higher vibrations, along with all of the cosmos, and as always, come to know that everything is and always has been in divine and perfect order. With much love and gratitude, Karen link here: www.emergingearthangels.com/2010/wings3.19.2010.htmlThanks, emeraldsun! It's very interesting how accurate these reports seem to be on a personal level. Thanks for posting this so consistently! This is really helpful, as so many people have said before just reiterating: thank you and thank you!! love, Jen.
Post by ninathedog on Mar 20, 2010 23:47:52 GMT 4
L.A. eatery charged with serving whale meat closesReuters By Dan Whitcomb Dan Whitcomb – 1 hr 15 mins ago March 20, 2010LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A Los Angeles-area sushi restaurant that made international headlines after it was charged with serving endangered whale meat will close forever as a "self-imposed punishment," according to a statement on its website. two videos: • Video: CBS 2 / KCAL 9 Los Angeles – Whale Meat-Serving Eatery Is Going Out Of Business • Video: ABC News Restaurant Caught Serving Whale
click link in order to view -- news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_usa_whale_sushi
The parent company of the The Hump, a popular Santa Monica restaurant, and sushi chef Kiyoshiro Yamamoto were charged on March 11 with violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which makes it illegal to sell whale meat. Federal prosecutors have said that the case stemmed from informants who were served whale meat at The Hump in October 2009 and evolved into a sting operation by U.S. wildlife and customs officials. The federal charge carries a maximum penalty of one year in federal prison and a maximum fine of $100,000 for an individual or $200,000 for an organization. A statement on the website said the eatery, which was picketed by protesters after the charges made news around the world, would be shuttered as of Saturday. "The Hump hopes that by closing its doors, it will help bring awareness to the detrimental effects that illegal whaling has on the preservation of our ocean ecosystems and species," the statement said. "Closing the restaurant is a self-imposed punishment on top of the fine that will be meted out by the court," the statement said. The restaurant apologized for its "illegal actions." According to the statement, the restaurant's owners would make a substantial contribution to organizations dedicated to the preservation of whales and other endangered species. The New York Times has reported that the team of activists behind the "The Cove," a film about dolphin hunting that won an Academy Award for Best Documentary Film earlier this month, coordinated with federal officials on the sting operation. The paper said that an associate producer on "The Cove" created a tiny camera that two activists wore into the restaurant, where they were served the whale meat. The activists sent samples to the Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University, which confirmed that they were from an endangered Sei whale, the Times said. The Hump, which has only six tables and has a view of the Pacific Ocean, has been open for 12 years. (Editing by Eric Beech)news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_usa_whale_sushi
Post by ninathedog on Mar 21, 2010 22:28:54 GMT 4
Post by ninathedog on Mar 23, 2010 16:30:47 GMT 4
UK to expel Israeli diplomat over Dubai caseAssociated Press 47 mins agoLONDON – Britain's government will expel an Israeli diplomat from London on Tuesday over the use of forged British passports in the suspected Mossad assassination of a Hamas operative. Foreign Secretary David Miliband was scheduled to address lawmakers in the House of Commons over the issue, following the conclusion of an investigation into the use of fake U.K. documents. Miliband's office declined to provide details of his statement in advance, citing Parliamentary rules. But a government official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment ahead of the statement, confirmed that Britain will expel one Israeli diplomat. Israel's foreign ministry confirmed that the country's ambassador to Britain Ron Prosor was called to London's Foreign Office on Monday for talks. Britain sent investigators to Israel this month to meet eight Israeli-British dual nationals whose identities were used by syspects in the Jan 20. slaying of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a luxury hotel room. Dubai authorities have accused Israel's Mossad spy agency of being behind the slaying, and have identified at least 26 suspects from the alleged hit squad that traveled to Dubai on fake identities and forged European and Australian passports. At least 15 of the suspected killers share names with Israeli citizens, further fueling suspicions the Mossad was behind the hit. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied involvement in al-Mabhouh's killing. Interpol has published a wanted list of 27 people in connection with the slaying. news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100323/ap_on_re_eu/eu_britain_dubai_slaying
Post by ninathedog on Mar 23, 2010 16:40:03 GMT 4
Netanyahu faces 'difficult choices' going into AIPAC speechBy Ilene R. Prusher Ilene R. Prusher – Mon Mar 22, 2:41 pm ET The Christian Science MonitorJerusalem – Monday's speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to AIPAC – Washington's largest pro-Israel lobby – comes as the US-Israel relationship has been on unusually rocky ground. Palestinian groups have seemed on the verge of a third intifada or uprising against Israel, and the world is waiting to see whether the leaders will go forward with renewed talks. With all of this hanging in the balance, Mr. Netanyahu faces a meeting on Tuesday with President Obama. Back home, Netanyahu faces a fractious, right-leaning cabinet, many of whose members don't share his vows to bring about a two-state solution, the threat of more clashes in the West Bank and the possibility of renewed rocket fire from Gaza. That makes his audience today far greater than just those gathered at AIPAC's yearly conference, with many around the world closely watching how he will balance the competing demands of interested parties. "He's meant to please everybody, isn't he?" quips Peter Medding, an expert on the US-Israel relationship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "My guess is that he will say nothing that offends his coalition partners back home, nor that offends the American administration," says Medding, noting that Mr. Obama's team has asked him to reaffirm his commitment to the two-state solution after plans emerged for 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem. "But we have to distinguish between words and actions. Netanyahu will make a public statements in Washington that won't offend anyone, and that will give hope to Israelis and Palestinians. But what is he actually agreeing to do once he arrives home?" Netanyahu's 'difficult but necessary choices'On the eve of his trip, a Netanyahu aide outlined the key points of the prime minister's speech. These include a commitment to moving forward in peace talks with an aim of achieving Palestinian statehood, taking "courageous steps for peace," and a series of confidence-building measures, the aide said. Netanyahu, however, reiterated his refusal to limit building in East Jerusalem in comments he made Sunday just before his trip to Washington. He told his cabinet that building in Jerusalem, where Palestinians envision the capital of their future state, was the same as building in Tel Aviv. Israel annexed East Jerusalem in 1967 following its conquering in the Middle East, an extension of sovereignty that no other major power recognizes, including the United States. Earlier Monday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made clear in her speech to AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, that the US views Israel's decision to build in East Jerusalem as an obstacle to peace talks. www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4xSqDCuOtYU.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at AIPAC (March 2010) part one of five"New construction in East Jerusalem or the West Bank undermines mutual trust and endangers the proximity talks that are the first step toward the full negotiations that both sides want and need," Clinton said. "It exposes daylight between Israel and the United States that others in the region could hope to exploit." Clinton added that peace will "require all parties, including Israel, to make difficult but necessary choices." The latest flare-up in US-Israel relations was spurred when one of Netanyahu's cabinet members announced the building of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem in the middle of US Vice President Joe Biden's visit two weeks ago. That was largely because Netanyahu's Interior Ministry is controlled by the increasingly right-wing party Shas, which has become a fervent advocate of settling Jews in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. If Netanyahu makes a deal promising to stop settlement in Jerusalem, Shas and other rightist parties might try to bolt from his coalition – leaving him without a government. But, analysts note, Netanayhu could always remake his government by going into a coalition with the centrist Kadima party. Mitchell: 'Calm and quiet' needed nowBy the end of the week, Obama administration officials are hoping that they might persuade Palestinians to stick with an agreement reached just before Biden's visit to renew talks with Israel. US Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell met in Amman on Monday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to try to bring him closer to an agreement to speak, albeit indirectly, with Israel on the so-called final-status issues – including Jerusalem. The Palestinian position over the past year or more has remained steady, with Abbas refusing to engage in talks without a freeze on settlement construction, not just in the West Bank, but in East Jerusalem as well. Mitchell expressed his signature optimism and called for restraint from both sides in the face of more violence threatening on the horizon. "On behalf of the United States and the president, I urge all sides to exercise restraint. What is needed now is a period of calm and quiet, in which we can go forward in the efforts we are engaged," Mitchell told reporters after meeting President Abbas, Reuters reported. Hamas committed to cease-fire, but other militants antsyRenegade Palestinian factions in Gaza, however, seem less than interested in Mitchell's message of restraint, and the Israeli military has responded in kind, raising concerns of the de facto but unofficial cease-fire breaking down. A small Palestinian militant launched a Qassam rocket at Israel on Sunday, and Israel launched a retaliatory air strike on Monday at Gaza's smuggling tunnels. One of the commanders of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, said that the cease-fire still holds and that Hamas has chastised those who were breaking it out of frustration over events in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Four Palestinians were killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the Nablus area over the weekend. "After the wave of violence and the Israeli escalation in Jerusalem, many of the militants of the Palestinian factions fired rockets on their own accord, superseding the national consensus that was agreed upon between Hamas and all the other factions to stop firing rockets," explained the commander, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Mohammed. "We know that everyone's angry about what happened in Jerusalem, but we are still committed to the national consensus of ceasing the firing of rockets," he said. --- Safwat al-Kahlout in Gaza City contributed to this report. news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100322/wl_csm/289381
Post by ninathedog on Mar 23, 2010 16:48:45 GMT 4
Sharks lose fight to protect them at UN meetingBy Michael Casey Associated Press Environmental Writer – 1 hr 29 mins agoDOHA, Qatar – Asian nations on Tuesday blocked U.S.-backed proposals to protect the heavily fished hammerhead and oceanic whitetip sharks on concerns that regulating the booming trade in fins could hurt poor coastal nations. Japan, which successfully campaigned against an export ban on Atlantic bluefin tuna and regulations on the coral trade, led the opposition to the shark proposal at the 175-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. China, Indonesia and other nations that benefit from the trade in fins joined the opposition to the proposals arguing that trade restrictions were not the answer and would be difficult to apply. "This is not about trade issues but fisheries enforcement," Masanori Miyahara, chief counselor of the Fisheries Agency of Japan, told delegates. "Poaching is a big problem. Small-scale long liners are chasing sharks all over the world." But the United States supported by Europe, Australia and many Arab countries argued that the unregulated trade has led to widespread illegal fishing and has caused the populations of the endangered scalloped hammerhead, great hammerhead and the threatened smooth hammerhead to plummet by as much as 85 percent."The greatest threat to the hammerhead is from harvest for the international fin trade and the fin of the species is among highly valued of the trade," Strickland said. Shark fin soup is a much prized delicacy in China. Oceanic whitetip sharks face similar threats and their numbers are down 60 to 70 percent, Strickland said. The hammerhead measure was only narrowly rejected by the U.N. committee, failing by five votes to take the necessary two-thirds of majority. The whitetip proposal fell nine votes short of approval. Strickland said it was possible they would try and revive the proposal at the larger, plenary meeting which begins Wednesday. "It's disappointing we didn't get the two-thirds but that is the way the rules are set up," Strickland said. "We are going to continue our efforts both here and going forward to put the necessary protection in place for these shark species." The tiny Pacific nation of Palau, which last year created the first ever shark sanctuary, joined the Americans in introducing the shark proposals. It called on countries to protect the species so they can be fished well into the future. "We must preserve for our children these amazing species," said Palau's Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism Harry R. Fritz, adding that his country supports the protection of other shark species as well. CITES was due to take up European proposals later in the day for protections of the porbeagle shark which is killed for its meat and the spiny dogfish shark — a chief ingredient of fish and chips and fish sticks. Conservationists were outraged and disappointed by the rulings, since it came after a string of defeats on marine species including a proposal last week on a shark conservation plan. Japan and China led efforts to kill that proposal, as well. "Today is a huge loss for the oceans. This is a case of politics prevailing over science," Oceana's Fisheries Campaign Manager Elizabeth Griffin said. "The world failed to stand up today to protect some of the ocean's top predators." Jupp Baron Kerckerinck zur Borg, president of the Shark Research Institute based in Millbrook, N.Y., acknowledged he was "very disappointed and frustrated right now." "Japan has been voting the shark proposals down because they are catching them, Singapore voted them down because they make money selling the fins and China makes money because they eat them," he said. "How can we win?" The Pew Environmental Group said the sharks are especially vulnerable to overfishing because they are slow growing and have low reproductive rates. Fishermen, both industrial and small-scale and many operating illegally, slice off the fins and throw the carcasses back in the ocean. Shark fin soup has long played central part in traditional Chinese culture, often being served at weddings and banquets. Demand for the soup has surged as increasing numbers of Chinese middle class family become wealthier. news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100323/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_un_saving_species
Post by emeraldsun on Mar 23, 2010 21:25:26 GMT 4
Thanks, emeraldsun!
It's very interesting how accurate these reports seem to be on a personal level.
Thanks for posting this so consistently! This is really helpful, as so many people have said before just reiterating: thank you and thank you!!
love, Jen Hey Jen, Your most welcome, it is my pleasure to share. I am in agreement that each report seems to hit right at home for me. I also would like You to know how much I appreciate your posts too. You have taught me alot. Hope this finds you well and properly blessed. emeraldsun
Post by ninathedog on Mar 24, 2010 22:18:20 GMT 4
Hillary sticks her foot in it in speech at AIPACMladen Andrijasevic March 23, 2010Yesterday at the AIPAC conference Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "When a Hamas-controlled municipality glorifies violence and renames a square after a terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis, it insults the families on both sides who have lost loves ones over the years in this conflict. (Applause.)" The importance of Hillary Clinton's speech is that now, thanks to her, it can be easily proven by simply looking at where Ramallah is situated on the map, that the whole US peace process policy in the Middle East is based on fiction that Fatah is moderate.The square renamed after a terrorist is in Ramallah and Ramallah is in the West Bank and controlled by Fatah. If Secretary Clinton did not know that Fatah was responsible , her own words accidentally finally exposed what Fatah's mindset is, something the administration was trying to hide. If Secretary Clinton did know that Fatah was responsible, then she was explicitly lying. She had to change the geography to fit the fantasy. This reminds me of the days when Soviet cities on Soviet maps changed their positions every few years in respect to nearby rivers and mountains so as to 'fool'' the CIA. This time, however, the US is fooling itself. Then they will be surprised why things do not work as they expected Either way, the truth has finally come out. Now what remains to be seen is will there be a single journalist who will ask Secretary Clinton if she knew that the square named after a terrorist was under Fatah control. Is there? www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/03/hillary_sticks_her_foot_in_it.html....... www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4xSqDCuOtYU.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at AIPAC (March 2010) part one of fiveAs a side note, here are photos of the results of "rocket attacks on Israel"images.google.com/images?q=rocket%20damage%2C%20israelHere are photos of "missile damage on Gaza"images.google.com/images?q=missile+damage%2C+Gaza"bulldozer damage on Gaza"images.google.com/images?q=bulldozer damage%2C gaza "tank damage on Gaza"images.google.com/images?q=tank damage on Gaza "white phosphorous, Gaza"images.google.com/images?q=white phosporous%2C Gaza "shells, Gaza"images.google.com/images?q=shells%2C Gaza I could go on and on but you get the idea. MRS. CLINTON, I CAN NOT EVEN BEGIN TO VOICE MY DISGUST at the one-sided views of your speech. YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ALL AMERICANS while you grovel in front of the members of AIPAC. Israel is NOT the United States. Israel is a FOREIGN POWER and you embarrass all Americans by groveling before its representatives and supporters. (and I apologize to everyone here for this outburst but I can not believe my eyes as I watch our Secretary of State pandering to a foreign nation which commits WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY with U.S. tax dollars. Sorry.) ................. Norman Finkelstein on AIPAC (1)www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkVzh3D0AbwNorman Finkelstein Responds to Clinton, Netanyahu AIPAC Comments Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told attendees at the AIPAC onference on Monday that the US commitment to Israel is rock-solid but Clinton did criticize Israel for continuing to build settlements in occupied East Jerusalem. In a defiant speech hours after Clintons address, Netanyahu rejected US criticism and vowed to continue building settlements. We speak with Norman Finkelstein, author of the new book, This Time We Went Too Far: Truth & Consequences of the Gaza Invasion.After viewing Dr. Finkelstein's interview, I've seen fit to cross-post this in the Humanitarian Thread.
Post by ninathedog on Mar 24, 2010 22:43:41 GMT 4
UK to expel Israeli diplomat over Dubai caseAssociated Press 47 mins agoLONDON – Britain's government will expel an Israeli diplomat from London on Tuesday over the use of forged British passports in the suspected Mossad assassination of a Hamas operative. Foreign Secretary David Miliband was scheduled to address lawmakers in the House of Commons over the issue, following the conclusion of an investigation into the use of fake U.K. documents. >> edited for lengthnews.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100323/ap_on_re_eu/eu_britain_dubai_slaying UK warns of Israel travel amid passport scandal March 24, 2010 10:33 a.m. EDT CNNLondon, England (CNN) -- British citizens who travel to Israel should be aware that their passport details could be captured for "improper uses," Britain's Foreign Office warned Tuesday. (video follows report)It follows Britain's expulsion of an Israeli diplomat and its accusation that the Israeli government was responsible for forging British passports used in an international murder plot. Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Tuesday that there are "compelling reasons" to believe Israel was behind it. Twelve of the 27 suspects in the January murder of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who was found dead in his Dubai hotel room, used British passports, the Dubai police have said. Miliband said the passports had been copied from "genuine British passports" in a "highly sophisticated operation," indicating that a state intelligence service was responsible. The Foreign Office changed its official travel advice Tuesday for British citizens going to Israel, to warn them about the risk of their passport details being compromised. A British investigation "found circumstantial evidence of Israeli involvement in the fraudulent use of British passports," the advice says. "This has raised the possibility that your passport details could be captured for improper uses while your passport is out of your control. The risk applies in particular to passports without biometric security features. "We recommend that you only hand your passport over to third parties, including Israeli officials, when absolutely necessary." Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency concluded that the 12 British people whose passports were cloned were "wholly innocent victims of identity theft," the foreign secretary said. Israel has a stated policy on security matters of neither confirming nor denying involvement. Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said the British government would be giving its report on the passports to the Australian Federal Police, who are investigating how some of their country's passports came to be used by the Dubai suspects. In an interview Tuesday with the Australian Broadcasting Company, Smith said Australia was not taking any action yet. "We have an investigation underfoot, and we will await the results of that investigation by the Australian Federal Police," Smith said. He added: "We're treating this matter very seriously. Israel understands that, and when I receive the report (from the federal police), we'll make judgments which will be in Australia's national interest." Dubai police had previously said three Australian passports were used in the murder plot, but Smith said there were four. He said there is nothing to indicate that the holders of the passports were anything but "innocent victims" in the crime. Al-Mabhouh, a founding member of Hamas' military wing, was found dead January 20 in his Dubai hotel room. Police believe he was killed the night before, allegedly by the secretive Israeli foreign intelligence unit Mossad. Two sources told CNN earlier this month that the number of identified suspects in al-Mabhouh's death was up to 27. Of them, 26 were carrying European or Australian passports, authorities have said. The sources -- an official familiar with the investigation and a police source -- did not say which nation issued the passport used by the 27th suspect. Interpol expands search for suspects --www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/03/08/uae.murder.probe/index.htmlThe 27 suspects are believed to have acquired false passports to travel to Dubai for the killing, then scattered to several far-flung locations afterward. But Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Dubai police chief, has said not all the suspects had fraudulent passports -- "We know some of the names are real." Interpol, the international police agency, has issued "red notices" to help search for the suspects. The notices are not international arrest warrants, but are a way of alerting police forces around the world that the suspects are wanted by United Arab Emirates authorities. www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/03/24/uk.israel.passports/?hpt=T2U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband speaks on passport theft by Israelwww.youtube.com/watch?v=tT4SIby2L70
Post by nodstar on Mar 25, 2010 11:20:21 GMT 4
Hi Everyone .. I just HAD to put this up cos it gave me such a laugh .. Dubya goes to Haiti Check out the 14 second mark where he actually WIPES HIS HAND on Bill Clinton after shaking hand with local Haitians .. OMG some things never change .. ;D
Post by nodstar on Mar 25, 2010 11:28:23 GMT 4
Hey Nod. I googled the AVIARY and all I got was things on Birds. Can I get a clue what I am looking for? sorry to sound stupid just a new term I am not firmilar with thank you Peace Kar Hiya Kar .. My apologies .. I googled the AVIARY and got nada .. My apologies also for the late reply to your post. The AVIARY ... is a special branch of disinformation specialists .. Closely linked to the illuminati, and other covert operational groups. In the case of dubious personages ( who"s name I already mentioned ) they also are rumored to be funding certain disinformation outlets .. Hope this helps .. Peace Out Nodstar*